Ever meet someone so impressive you just had to ask, “Where do you find the time?” Billings is filled with individuals whose successes beg this very question, so Billings Lifestyle sat down with a few of the area’s most outstanding women to see just how they do it. Here is a glimpse into the daily lives of some of Billings’ most impressive entrepreneurs and business owners.
Jane H. Smith, M.D.
In 2001, Jane H. Smith, M.D., was bedridden, facing Lyme disease, a series of health ailments, a grim diagnosis and few answers from Western medicine. She decided to take her fate into her own hands.
“I was supposed to die,” Smith says. “I had to rebuild my life from scratch.”
She turned to homeopathic and integrative medicine, and as she began to heal physically, she realized that to remain healthy she needed to go deeper. She went on what she describes as an intensive “wholeness journey.” As a result, she discovered an innovative form of “wholeness living” that has breathed new life into both her and her family. It motivated her to write a book, How to Build a Big, Unbreakable Life: An Invitation to Wholeness, and she now runs a wellness consulting company through her website, IDrJane.com.
“I knew that if I could make this simple so people can grab onto it, it would completely change their lives and they’ll love their lives,” Smith says.
It is this drive to spread wellness and joy to others that guides Smith throughout the day.
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. Smith spends her mornings preparing for the week. She likes to schedule in “chunks,” so Monday mornings are for answering emails, scheduling meetings and planning the week ahead. She says this is a crucial step in setting goals and prioritizing the days ahead.
9 a.m. – noon Midmorning is all about striking a healthy balance between career and family. During this time, she puts her plan in motion by engaging on social media, connecting with potential clients and managing marketing obligations. Also a home educator, she examines her son’s studies and arranges any co-ops or tutors that are needed for his success.
“I’ve learned in a wholeness paradigm I can have family and achievement in a very good balance,” Smith says.
noon – 3 p.m. It’s action time. She gives individual attention to clients, conducting interviews to see if clients are a good fit, deciding how to help individuals succeed through a customized plan and meeting with clients to drive growth within one-on-one sessions.
3 p.m. - 7 p.m. It’s time for group wellness sessions. She focuses on helping groups of friends, colleagues or team members work on wholeness and growth. Like her individual sessions, Smith customizes goals to fit group needs.
Katie Ellis
Katie Ellis has always been on the tall side, which sometimes can make finding the right outfit a problem. Early on as she developed her personal style she also discovered the undeniable connections between beauty, confidence and warmth in clothing. Her experiences and a passion for fashion inspired her to eventually open Bottega Clothing, where she now focuses not only on supplying the newest trends but also working with customers to find the style that makes them feel beautiful.
“I see clothes as a tool to help build confidence,” Ellis says. “I believe when we have an outfit on that we feel confident in we take on our world a little bit differently.”
Each day she helps people find this confidence and cultivates meaningful connections with customers, Bottega employees, the broader community and family.
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. For Ellis, the morning is all about networking. She likes to kick off the week by meeting with other business owners and local nonprofit fundraising groups. She says this helps her hone her skills as a business professional and become a more productive leader.
9 a.m. – noon The store opens at 10 a.m., and Ellis likes to focus on bringing out the best in her employees even before customers arrive. She runs employee meetings which include practicing communicating effectively, confidence-building exercises and team-building programs.
noon – 3 p.m. For Ellis, afternoons are made up of researching new products and having employees try them on. She says that by familiarizing herself with each product, she can recommend clothing for different body types.
3 p.m. - 7 p.m. This time’s blocked off for participating in community fundraisers and events. She says building these connections throughout the community helps strengthen local bonds and her business.
Tracy Moore
Tracy Moore’s life is anything but routine. Her nearly decade-long career as a professional photographer has taken her all over the world. Regardless of the location, her motivations remain consistent. She loves building relationships and bringing out her clients’ best side. Operating mainly through her website, TracyMoorePhotography.com, she specializes in wedding photography and senior pictures.
“I really love getting into these girls’ lives and interacting through adventures,” Moore says.
Her day is spent preparing for these interactions and creating a fun, photogenic atmosphere.
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. Mornings for Moore mean preparation for the day. She connects with clients through email and social media and spends mornings cleaning lenses, clearing memory cards, gathering lights and charging batteries to make sure she’s ready to take on the day.
9 a.m. – noon Moore spends midmorning hours scouting photo locations and traveling to shoots. She also likes to meet with clients to get a feel for their wants and expectations.
noon – 3 p.m. It’s photo time. If clients like snowboarding, Moore will be taking pictures on the slopes. If they like hiking, she’s right there with them on the trails. She says it’s important to connect with clients in their element and have fun.
3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Shooting generally goes into the evening. Then it’s a quick snack and time to pack up the gear. She likes to have an adventure and tries to make every shoot unique and fun.
Krista Stetson
Some people complain about difficulties. Others, like business owner Krista Stetson, turn them into businesses. Faced with excruciating headaches brought on by gluten intolerance and fed up with the poor quality of gluten-free stores, Krista and her mother, Tina, decided to create a bakery that featured entirely gluten-free products, free from any cross-contamination and safe for people with celiac disease. Located in Billings, Rae Rae’s Bakery uses flour that is certified non-GMO, certified organic and certified gluten-free.
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. Opening at 8 a.m., Stetson checks orders, examines shelves and prepares. This gives her a chance to see what she’s up against.
9 a.m. – noon Throughout the morning and much of the day, Stetson is in charge of baking bread. Because Rae Rae’s doesn’t use preservatives, it is important to start fresh every morning.
noon – 3 p.m. Rae Rae’s usually sees a flood of customers in the afternoon. After baking all morning to stock shelves, she spends the afternoon answering questions and clearing them.
3 p.m. - 7 p.m. In the evening, Stetson works to refill the shelves again. This is when she picks up most of the baking to prepare for the next morning.