Nicole Griffith, Owner, Well Pared "One of the most relaxing things is the movement of water…the sound. Sitting quietly in the mountains, listening to a slow rippling river, the scent of pine all around me, feeling the crisp clean air…it brings me much peace and comfort.” –Nicole Griffith As the owner of a successful business, Nicole Griffith savors such moments of…
TO BE USED IN THE MAGAZINE "Jeff, a photographer by night, has a keen eye for modern vibes that can be felt throughout his business, making MoAV Coffee one of the most popular coffee houses within the city." For more on Jeff Hosa and additional Faces of Billings, visit
Joanie Swords "It’s not very often I get to meet someone whose business plan is based purely on love." For more on Joanie Swords and additional Faces of Billings, visit
"....there are some very gifted people that truly have the intentions, experience, and abilities to bring about miracles in people’s lives. Dr. Alan Muskett is one of those people."
Article Stephanie Hower | Photography Trevan Hiersche Ellie Hansen, president of Loveable Pets, describes her team as the "12 most amazing, animal-adoring staff members" in town. Meet a few members of the team.
While many say the kitchen is the heart of the home, this rich, inviting dining room might just make you change your mind. Featuring warm colors, heavy furniture and lush layered textures, it’s a room that feels perfectly suited to a Montana home.
Years ago, a local athlete gathered the neighborhood youth in a schoolyard huddle. The hometown hero gave playing advice to a group of admirers. Listening with wide eyes was a young Jeff Carroll, but he wasn’t just listening to the words of the local athlete; He was watching, absorbing his techniques and passion like a thirsting sponge. The seeds of…